woman surrounded by butterflies

Blissful Escape!

A Mother’s Wish

She enters the bathroom locking the past behind her,
Fills the bowl with the clear elixir.
She undresses.
Throwing all worry, hurt, scars, and pain
Into the basket to be cleaned.
She steps in slowly and lay back between the bowl’s valley.
She lays there, just beneath the surface of the refreshing liquid,
like a water lily.
Laying there like a dead body, she floats on.
She has emptied her mind, body, and soul.
She is now one with the spirit.
This is her time;
It’s an escape from the world’s many voices and lies.
She is at peace as her ears sink beneath,
Listening to the sound of nothingness;
A world so different than her own.
A world where one can be free.

“If only I can fully submerge forever into this portal’s keep.”

In her mind’s eyes, she awakes to find
She has become a giant black butterfly.
A rare, unique, simple, yet magnificent creature.
She knows there’s nothing special about her dark glistening wings,
But her beauty and strength came from that which one
Can only find; it was skin deep.
There are many beautiful and colorful things in the real world.
Most are so similar in nature, so similar in feature.
Everyone wants to look like someone else,
Be someone else.
Not her.
For she is one of a kind.

Her beauty was like a rare black ruby’s find.
But just think, in the mixture of all types of chaotic colors;
Of colorful butterflies blended together in a field;
Who would you spot first?
Would it not be the contrast?
Would it not be her?
This was why her subconscious mind projected to become
This humble and delicate, Black Butterfly.

Butterfly high above the little world beneath.
So tiny, the reflection in her bulbous eyes see.
Submitting to the cool breeze beneath her wings;
Submitting to the melody in her ear as the wind sings.
Up here so high, she can float on forever.
Won’t have to do much in this type of world.
Only on occasions, fly down into the beautiful gardens,

Tasting the sweet nectar.

Smell the aromas of flowers so heavenly.
This is the dream of how her world would be;
A dream she never wants to wake from,

“If only this were my reality.”


“Mama! Are you in there? What’s taking so long?”

She opens her eyes,
Looked to the ceiling, and whispered,

“Blissful Escape.”


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Founder of KVI Network Creations, I'm an accomplished author, poet, and theologian, bringing a unique blend of creativity and spirituality to my work. A retired combat veteran, I've dedicated my life to both art and service. Feel free to reach out at 401-388-0016.