woman in red and white shirt

Poem: Astonishing Beauty

Astonishing Beauty

Dedicated to S. Andrews, whose photo sparked artistic inspiration.

Who is she, the enchanting island belle,
As they say, beauty is shaped by the observer's eye.
Who is this observer?
If, like me, you've also gazed upon this picture,
This is what shall unfold before your eyes....

I spot, with my pair of warm, brown eyes, something exceptionally stunning and captivating.
Witness a genuine queen, a goddess personified...
A splendid canvas, evoking a vision...
a universe adorned with gleaming, celestial lights.
Marvel at her radiant smile.

Two novel planets grafted onto an already dusky canvas, radiating beyond the belt of Orion.
Visible to each solitary soul and sentient being in the vast cosmos,
Gaze upon her, for she has just awakened, her gaze now penetrating into my being.

And this painted cosmos, what of it?
It's pristine, smoother than any polished surface,
Observe, for this is the richness of her melanin-kissed skin.

The longer I peer into these spiraling, sparkling whirlpools, the portals to her very essence, I am adrift, I am awestruck...

I am restless, exhilarated, a realm of roller-coaster emotions,
Electrifying my equilibrium.
Yet, when I summon the visions of that radiant smile,
That which dispels any shadows within me,
I grasp onto hope,
I recognize that I am enfolded in the gentle embrace of celestial wings.
I am aware this goddess supports me....
An astonishing beauty to behold....

© Vee Nelly, April 22, 2023. All Rights Reserved.
#Galaxy #Cosmos #Beauty #PhotoPrompts #Inspiration

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Founder of KVI Network Creations, I'm an accomplished author, poet, and theologian, bringing a unique blend of creativity and spirituality to my work. A retired combat veteran, I've dedicated my life to both art and service. Feel free to reach out at 401-388-0016.