man taking photo of another man

Promotion: Spotlight Feature

The image is a promotional graphic for an  Artist & Author Spotlight  event, offering cash prizes, hosted by KVI Network Creations, highlighting diversity, culture, and art.

New Updates!

Greetings! Would you love to be featured in our spotlight event for a chance to win various Prizes or Cash? How much is $10.00 worth to you these days?

Submission prices are now $10.00. Includes:

  • a showcase design and written bio on our platform;
  • unlimited promotions or advertisements via social media
  • You will be spotlighted in front of over 300, 000 plus viewers
  • If you are an author and have a published book… Your book(s) will be added to our store’s bookshelf
  • For $5.00 more we can design an author “book & payment page” to advertise and sell your book or product.


1. Answer the following questions

  1. List your Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest or your social media username(s).
  2. How do we get in touch with you by email?
  3. What is your name (alias) and company info?
  4. How long have you been experienced in your craft or trade?
  5. What is your preferred genre, or style?
  6. What are you currently working on?
  7. Whom or what inspired you to begin your trade or craft?
  8. What are your future works in progress?
  9. What would you love for your viewers to know?
  10. What is your area, state and location?
  11. What is your personal affirmation or favorite quote of all times?
  12. How did you hear about us?

Video created by Designer Nisa

2. Send your responses to our email below

 [contact-form jetpackCRM=’1′][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1′ requiredtext='(required)’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1′ requiredtext='(required)’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’ requiredtext='(required)’/][contact-field label=’Message’ type=’textarea’ requiredtext='(required)’/][/contact-form]

You are welcome to modify the questions to fit your trade, craft or specific circumstance, but keep the questions within the parameter of what is required.

3. Payments

All entry fees must be made up front to receive a professional showcase design. The cost starts at $10.00 per an entry. You may donate more before or after your showcase to say thank you to our team. See payment center below.

Please allow us time to complete your showcase. It takes time to design.

You may also purchase any of our books equivalent to the donation fee or services to enter into the prize giveaway.


  • Visions of Prosetry
  • A King’s Fall
  • Dark Haze – The Island
  • Words of Encouragement
Spotlight Policy
Posted in Books, Other | News, Promotions | Freebies and tagged , , , .

Founder of KVI Network Creations