"Beyond Motherhood: Celebrating All Forms of Love and Care"
In the garden of life, every heart sows,
Beyond the title, where boundless love flows.
Mothering is more than bearing or name,
It’s a tender touch in the wildfire of pain.
It’s the hand that steadies, the voice that calms,
The storm-soother in its serenest psalms.
A guide, a mentor, to right what is wrong,
The first to cheer you when you stand strong.
To all who nurture, teach, and defend,
Who mend the broken, and brokenly mend.
With or without a child to call your own,
You foster growth where love is shown.
So here’s to the givers, the carers, the fighters,
To those who make the burdens of others lighter.
Every day is yours, every tear you've dried,
We celebrate you with arms open wide.
Because “mother” is more than a role you play,
It’s love in action, day after day.
For all you do, this tribute is due,
#mothersdayarttribute, we honor you.